For fifteen years, Just Write Books has been proud to bring Maine stories from Maine authors to the world. From Tom Seymour bringing us along with him on tours through the Maine woods and waters, to the history of our home state’s cities, all the way to fantastical stories of science fiction, fantasy, and horror told from Maine’s artistic students, Just Write Books has brought a variety of tales from Maine to the page for you to enjoy. |
To that end, we’re working diligently to find new homes for all our authors, and for those of you who still wish to follow them, we will be posting information about where to find them here, so keep an eye out. Be they through other publishers or publishing houses, or making the transition to digital publishing through Amazon, our stories will still be available.
Just Write Books will continue to help new authors achieve their publishing goals using the High Point Publishing System, which we've developed over five decades. We will help authors finish their outstanding projects, market their work, and ensure that their books reach the right audiences. This is not goodbye. Just Write Books will not be shutting its doors. Instead, our business is transforming into our next iteration. Many of you know that we becan as Just Write Communications in 1990. In 2005, we morphed into publishing and now into offering publishing consultation and coaching for writers. Over the years, we've worked with some truly spectacular writers and had the privilege of helping them tell their tales and teach us so much. |
If the last fifteen years have taught us anything, it’s that this wonderful state of Maine is full to bursting with incredible stories, and that incredible people like you want to read them. So even though Just Write Books is reaching its end as a publisher, our work never ends, the stories told through our publications will find new life in new places, and our authors’ works will continue on. So, thank you all for an amazing fifteen years. Thank you for buying our books, for reading our tales, for sharing in the life and creativity that Maine has to offer. |
As a thank you for all your patronage and support these last fifteen years, we’re offering 50% off all of our remaining books. Everything in our store is half off. And since we won’t be ordering any more books, this is your last chance to pick up your favorite books from our website, for yourself or as gifts. As for what come next, be sure to watch this space! There's much more on the way, and we're going to start by sharing with you how to utilize our consulting and coaching services in another week's blog post! |