Just Write Books does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Call, write or email to tell us about your book. Begin a conversation before sending anything.
Publisher Nancy E. Randolph will want to speak with the author to learn about the book, the author and why this book should be published. Only a very few manuscripts evolve into a book with Just Write Books.
Just Write Books does not return manuscripts. We carefully shred them.
- Don't send us your only copy. If your manuscript is rejected for publication, it will be shredded. The cost of returning the manuscript far outweighs the cost of reprinting.
- No reading fee but a donation. Just Write Books asks that you donate to save our swinging bridge.com/donate when sending us a manuscript to review. Upon being invited to submit your manuscript, please send a copy of your check or online receipt (to the nonprofit) with your manuscript. $25 for 1- to 99-page manuscript. $50 for a manuscript of 100-200 pages and $100 for 201-400. *If your manuscript is longer than 400 pages, it is highly unlikely that Just Write Books will publish your book.
- Before printing your manuscript, complete a thorough edit. It will survive another round or two of edits at Just Write Books. Please read it aloud and spell check. Both things might prevent your manuscript from going through the shredder.
- Your manuscript must be a computer-generated printout. No handwritten submissions. Use clean, white 8 ½ by 11-inch unlined paper of average thickness. No designer paper. Use an easy to read font such as Times New Roman. Please do not use different typefaces or sizes. Don't try to make it look "good." You'll only irritate the reader. Our preferred font size is 12 points. Left justify the print. Do not right justify, center or fill the line to force a right flush. Do not format or insert photos. Print just the text please. Use a one-inch margin: top, bottom, right and left. Indent each paragraph by .3 or .5 inch. Do not leave a blank line between paragraphs.
- Double space the entire document.
- Create a running head with the title of the book and your name.
- Place page numbers centered at the bottom of each page. Ensure that the document is set to automatic numbering. If you do not know how to do this; ask a friend or a friendly computer geek for help.
- Do not 3-hole punch, staple or otherwise bind your manuscript. We might take only 20 pages to read away from our desk.
- Provide a list of photographs or illustrations and include a couple of printed samples of the same (photocopies will do).
- Check every page for clear printing and that each page printed.
Two more things before mailing your manuscript:
- Do not include a cover letter. (By this time, we've already told you to mail a copy.) This will allow you to mail the manuscript via Media Mail through the US Postal Service. (If you want to send a cover letter; mail it separately in a first-class envelope or email anything you want to tell us. Remember: do not email the manuscript.
- Double check everything before mailing, including our mailing address.
Just Write Books, 14 Munroe Lane, Topsham, ME 04086. Seal and drop in the mailbox.
If you haven't heard from us in two months; send a postcard, email or simple letter. That's polite and non-irritating.
I hope this helps clarify things for the authors.
Happy writing!
Nancy E. Randolph operates Just Write Books, publishing Maine books by Maine authors telling Maine stories. Randolph quickly developed a reputation as a publisher of quality Maine books. An active community member along with two others she founded and serves as a member of the board of Save Our Swinging Bridge.Org to ensure the maintenance of the historic Roebling-designed and -built bridge connecting Topsham and Brunswick. |